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Getting Real with Dog Training: An Unfiltered Talk with Erin Hyden of 'Get Real Dog Training'

Meet Erin Hyden, the driving force behind Get Real Dog Training. Striding away from the conventional methods and trends, Erin believes in a no-nonsense approach that sets her business apart. "We’re not about chasing trends. We're about observing the individual dog in front of us, understanding the family they live with, and finding the best course of action to help them grow into happy, healthy dogs," Erin says with conviction.

Get Real Dog Training has a unique standpoint when it comes to dog obedience. While Erin acknowledges the merits of canine sports and shows, she emphasizes the importance of practical, everyday obedience. "We don't need a dog to heel perfectly down the street. But we do need them not to pull their owner down or injure people by jumping on them," she explains. Her focus remains on building the confidence of everyday dogs, instilling in them the ability to deal with common situations safely, and ensuring they enjoy the process.

The journey with Get Real Dog Training begins online, where potential clients create a profile detailing what they hope to achieve with their dogs. Next comes a complimentary phone consultation, offering Erin valuable insights about the dog and any specific safety precautions that need to be considered, like the dog's health conditions. "This makes our visits more personable and helps us know what to expect," Erin explains.

Following the consultation, Erin assesses if the client's needs fit her area of expertise or if a referral is more appropriate. Then begins the in-home behavior consultation, an hour-and-a-half session where Erin starts working through the training goals and provides an estimate of the required lessons. These lessons mainly take place in Hastings, occasionally varying locations depending on the dog's specific needs.

Erin emphasizes that her role is more of a coach than a trainer. "I’m gonna be teaching you how to handle your dog because I don’t live with you. If you don’t know how to reinforce behaviors that you want and what to do when you’re getting behaviors that you don’t want, you’re not going to have a dog that listens."

Dog training, like many industries, has seen its share of trends, challenges, and changes. Erin shares her concerns about the polarization and politics in the field. She champions an approach that considers the individual dog's needs rather than fixed ideologies. For instance, while a prong collar may work for one dog, it might not for another. "Dog training lives in a world of gray, and people need to understand that," she emphasizes. She encourages potential clients to do their homework, interview different trainers, and find someone who's a good fit for their specific needs.

But when asked about her favorite aspect of her work, Erin's face lights up. "I absolutely love working with clients who thought their dog could never just be a dog." The satisfaction she derives from seeing the surprised expressions on her clients' faces when they witness the progress in their pets is unparalleled. Her joy is in transforming her clients from being anxious about their dogs' behavior to truly enjoying life with their animal companions.

Erin concludes, "If you come in with a great attitude and you’re willing to work hard and be consistent, I can help you and your dog." This encapsulates the philosophy of Get Real Dog Training: hard work, consistency, and a positive attitude can bring out the best in our canine friends. After all, isn't that what 'getting real' with dog training is all about?

So, if you're ready to embrace the journey of dog training, to not just have a pet but a real companion, Get Real Dog Training might be the answer you've been looking for. With a blend of experience, understanding, and a uniquely personal approach, Erin Hyden is ready to guide you on this rewarding path. Visit www.getrealdogtraining.net and begin your transformative journey with your canine friend today.