Why you are hooked on influencers


Why do the masses follow these influencers on the internet, you may ask? I shall impart unto thee the reasons for such behavior.

Relatability, a common thread among those who seek connection with these online figures. Their lifestyles, interests, and values align with their own, and thus they see a reflection of themselves in these influencers.

Expertise, a trait many of these influencers possess. They have built a reputation for being adept in specific fields, such as fashion, beauty, or fitness. Those who follow them do so in hopes of gaining access to their knowledge and tips.

Entertainment, a reason not to be underestimated. Many of these influencers possess a comedic timing or relatable content that appeals to their audience.

Social proof, a force not to be underestimated. Seeing that others follow and engage with an influencer can make them more appealing to follow.

Product recommendations, a common occurrence among these influencers. They often promote products and services to their followers, and many follow them for product recommendations and reviews.

Brand association, a reason not to be overlooked. Many follow influencers because they like the image and message of the influencer's brand, and wish to be associated with it.

Lastly, inspiration, a force that many seek from these influencers. They can provide inspiration in various forms, be it motivation, style, creativity or otherwise.

styled by Charlotte Bronte
LocalPigeon.com's Midjourney art, styled by David Mann


LocalPigeon.com's Midjourney art, styled by Pebble Tay.

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