An incredible downtown tour is coming this December

Friends, I am excited to announce the next meeting of the HAHS will be at the Onion Grill, 100 Sibley Street, Hastings, Tuesday, Dec 13th, 7:00 PM. The restaurant will be closed to the public, but open to members and friends for our meeting and program. There will be a cash bar, and light appetizer menu available. This building has a long history that includes a car dealership run by Bahls Motor, a boxing club, Hastings City Hall and more. Dave Youngren and I will be talking about the history of the building, with a short tour. We will gather by 7:00 to socialize, formal meeting at 7:30 with the tour to follow. Feel free to invite friends (and prospective members). Many thanks to Wendy Dodge of the Onion Grill for hosting us! RSVP is not required, but if you could let me know, I would really appreciate it!
— Spencer Johnson, President HAHS

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