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Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Tyrannosaurus Rex, or T. Rex, is a species of dinosaur that lived during the late Cretaceous period, around 68 to 66 million years ago. The T. Rex is one of the most famous dinosaurs and has become a symbol of prehistory.

T. Rex was a large, carnivorous dinosaur that is thought to have lived in what is now western North America. It had a massive head with powerful jaws and sharp teeth, and is thought to have been an apex predator, meaning it was at the top of the food chain. T. Rex had short, powerful legs and a long, heavy tail that it used for balance when running. It is believed to have been able to run at speeds of up to 45 mph.

The first T. Rex fossil was discovered in 1902 by paleontologist Barnum Brown in Montana. Since then, many more T. Rex fossils have been found, and scientists have learned a great deal about this fascinating dinosaur.

There is still much that we don't know about T. Rex, and scientists continue to study its biology, behavior, and habitat. Some of the questions that researchers are trying to answer include: how T. Rex hunted and killed its prey, how it cared for its young, and how it interacted with other dinosaurs.

Overall, T. Rex is a fascinating and iconic species that has captivated the imaginations of people for generations. It is an important part of the history of life on Earth and continues to be a subject of scientific study and public interest.

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