Saturday, May 13th

Note: The following post is inspired by the styles of various authors as a creative exercise and a way to explore different perspectives. While the words are our own, the approach to each point is intended to reflect the unique voice of the author credited.


Alright, Hastings and all you neighbors eavesdropping over the fence, I'm about to drop some wisdom on you. Here are 10 nuggets of brilliance from our own backyard authors. You might want to sit down for this.

#1 "Challenge the status quo! Change often starts with one person questioning the way things are." Revolutionary, right?

#2 "Believe in the beauty of growth, both in our gardens and in our lives." Who knew life was like a stubborn tomato vine?

#3 "Empower yourself with financial wisdom and live debt-free." Easier said than done, Dave, but we're listening!

#4 "Look at the world around you with a different perspective. There's always more than meets the eye." Like the fact that it's not just a pot hole, it's a chance to test your car's suspension!

#5 "Embrace the journey of self-discovery and the balance of joy and sorrow in life." Because we all need a good cry sometimes, right?

#6 "Appreciate the food you eat and the nature it comes from." Yeah, especially when it's slathered in barbecue sauce.

#7 "Develop better habits for a productive and meaningful life." Like my habit of drinking coffee at midnight. Productive? Maybe. Meaningful? Definitely.

#8 "Find beauty in the simple and ordinary things around you." Like a perfectly toasted piece of bread.

#9 "Dare to be vulnerable and embrace your imperfections." Because who needs perfection when you can have a good old fashioned meltdown?

#10 "Trust your journey, even when the path is uncertain." I mean, it's not like we can ask for directions, right?

If you got a kick out of this, or even if you didn't, like, share, and support our local voices. Maybe you'll learn something, or maybe you'll just get a good laugh. Either way, head to to plunge headfirst into the minds of these brilliant, and slightly crazy, authors. Who knows, you might even enjoy it!


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Sunday, May 14th


Friday, May 12th