Thursday, April 13th


Hey there, Hastings! We are thrilled to share some of the amazing things happening right here in our community. Let's go!

Kudos to Miesville Fire and crews! 🚒 They extinguished a 25-acre grass fire likely caused by a tossed cigarette—no injuries or structural damages!

Picky eater? Hastings Family Chiropractic has a secret to slip in healthy foods—almond flour waffles with hemp seeds and blueberries! 🥞

Ticks beware! Fluegel's has your pets covered with Zoguard for flea & tick control. 🐜

Batter up! ⚾ In-House Softball registration is open for 2023. HYAA is also seeking an In-House Softball Director!

Spring cleaning? 🧹 Craig Beissel has the tip: dust off lampshades with a brush or lint roller and switch to LED bulbs!

The Freshman Respect Retreat at Hastings Public Schools is fostering respect and mentorship among students. 👏

Go eco-friendly with Spiral Food Co-op! 🌿 Check out Klean Kanteen bottles, Canvas bags, and more.

Hastings Raiders Baseball scores big, 12-1 over NSP! ⚾️ Keep an eye out for their next game on Friday!

🧈 Hastings Dairy Store's FLASH SALE on butter is on! Salted quarters for just $3.80 each, while supplies last.

Congrats to Hastings Raiders Basketball players recognized at their recent banquets! 🏀 Way to go, team!

"Thank you, Hastings! Show love with a ❤️, visit for more, and have the best day ever! Take care!"


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Friday, April 14th


Wednesday, April 12th