The Hastings Manifesto: A Vision for Community and Redemption

By the Wisdom of Our Community

There is a story woven into the heart of Hastings, Minnesota—a story of connection, of resilience, and of progress. It is a story as old as the Mississippi that winds through this place, and yet it is constantly evolving, shaped by the people, businesses, and voices that call Hastings home.

At, we believe this story must be one of inclusion, forgiveness, and flourishing. Not only for some but for everyone. In an age where a single misstep can define a lifetime, where tribalism reigns, and where cancel culture looms large, it is more important than ever that we take a stand—for ourselves, for our neighbors, and for the future we are building together.

This manifesto is our declaration: a clear and resolute vision for the kind of platform strives to become—a space where every individual, group, and business can thrive with dignity and respect.

Our Guiding Principles:

1. Every Voice Matters is a home for all. It does not matter if you are the old man on the hill, the newest entrepreneur on the block, or someone simply passing through—your story matters. We will amplify voices from every corner of our community, from the stories of resilience to the celebrations of small victories. Our platform exists to uplift, not to cast out.

2. We Are More Than Our Mistakes

We reject the notion that any one of us should be defined by a single moment. Mistakes are part of the human journey; they do not have the power to eclipse our potential. Here, we embrace the idea of redemption, believing that people and businesses can grow and change for the better. The stories we tell will always reflect that truth.

In partnership with those like you, we will create space for self-reflection, second chances, and the ability to learn and thrive. We aim to promote what can be rather than what was.

3. Forgiveness is a Pillar of Community

Forgiveness, both given and received, is at the heart of our mission. is committed to building a community that values growth over grudges, dialogue over division, and healing over harm. Research has shown that forgiveness fosters better mental health and deeper social connections​(Newport Institute)​(SpringerLink). We believe in moving forward together—not through the lens of judgment but with compassion and understanding.

4. Cancel Culture Has No Home Here

We are living in an era where entire lives can be dismantled in the blink of a social media post. Cancel culture thrives on division and judgment, often leaving no room for context, apology, or change​ (Newport Institute)​(Thinker Sensitive). At, we recognize the harm this creates, not just for individuals but for the fabric of our community.

Our platform will take a stand against the toxic cycle of public shaming and exclusion. We will not participate in the tearing down of people or ideas but will instead offer a space for constructive dialogue and mutual respect. When conflicts arise, we will seek solutions through empathy, listening, and growth.

5. Tribalism Divides Us—Unity Strengthens Us

We recognize the pull of tribalism, that instinct to align ourselves with like-minded groups at the expense of others. But we also recognize that this instinct, left unchecked, can be corrosive. It is easy to fall into "us vs. them" mindsets, but it is far more rewarding to build bridges where there were once walls ​(PsyPost - Psychology News). is committed to creating an inclusive space that celebrates diverse perspectives. We believe that while we may not always agree, our strength lies in our ability to come together as one community, committed to the flourishing of all its members.

Our Commitment to Growth and Progress

At, we believe in progress. We believe that Hastings, as a community, has the potential to be a model of inclusivity, redemption, and growth. We are here to facilitate that progress—to share the stories that matter, to amplify the voices that need to be heard, and to create opportunities for connection that are deeper, richer, and more meaningful.

But this vision is not something we can build alone. We invite every member of this community to join us. Bring your stories, your struggles, your triumphs, and your ideas. Let us celebrate what makes you unique, and let us work together to build a community where every individual can thrive, every business can grow, and every voice can be heard.

Our mission is simple: to help people, and all living creatures, flourish to their fullest potential—individually and collectively, with respect and dignity. This is our call to you, Hastings. Let’s build a future where the best in us is always ahead.

This is the Hastings Manifesto.—a platform for everyone.